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WAW Bangalore: Update

It is about three weeks since we met for WAW Bangalore. What a terrific meet it was. For those of you who were not present let me give a brief recount of that evening.

Myself, Jaisri Chety and Sarvanann were there a little before 5:00 Pm. We were slated to start off at 5:30 Pm. Slowly people started coming in and by 5:30 we were about 20. We waited for a few minutes for more folks to turn up before we kick started.

The presenters for the evening were Seby and Jaisri. We did a quick poll on the level of understanding of Web Analytics in the audience, and most were directly or indirectly working in the domain, hence we decided to go ahead with Seby’s presentation on “Advanced Segmentation” using Google Analytics. The idea was to cater to even audience with basic understanding of the subject in the next presentation by Jaisri. Seby discussed how we can use the features of Custom Reporting and Advanced Segmentation from Google Analytics to better segment the data and get actionalble insights.

After a very interactive session on “Advanced Segmentation”, we had a round of introductions from all those present(by now we were about 35 in number). We started off with presentation on “Social Media Analytics” by Jaisri after the introdcutions. This was essentially about the role Social Media plays in a business and how important it is to analyze the effects. The tool she was referring to here was Radian6. Saravanann from Metainfotech(Webtrends solution provider) talked about the release of Webtrends 8.0 and some of the new features it has.

Later we went to discuss the frequency at which we should hold these WAW meets. Though many in the audience were for monthly meets, keeping the practicalties of organizing in mind, we settled for quarterly meet to start with. So get ready for the next meet in November (tentatively, 2nd week).Keeping the Bangalore traffic in mind, we decided to have this meet on a friday evening (Web Analytics Weekend). Also we have an excellent offer from Saravanann, he offered to conduct a full day free training on Webtrends 8.0. This training will be on day following the above meet. If you are interested please contact Me or Jaisri.

We ended the day with a good feeling of time well spent, after snacks and networking. I am sure those of you who could not make it will make it the next time.

I have an anonymous survey to gather feedback from all those who attended this event. If you were present at the event, please take 2 minutes (it might be even less than that) to answer the survey. This will help us to make these meets better. In case you have some points not covered in the survey, please feel free to mail me.

The original post was salvaged from Way Back Machine.

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